Climate refers to the weather in a particular region, averaged over a long period of time. It is a general pattern of weather behavior and does not correspond to short-term weather changes such as rain or sun.
Climate change refers to long-term changes in global or regional weather patterns. Specifically, climate change today refers to a change that has been observed since the mid to late 20th century and is largely attributed to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide due to the use of fossil fuels.
Some consequences of climate change if we do not act
Extreme natural events
Stronger and more frequent storms and hurricanes, forest fires and avalanches. Increase in floods and severe droughts.
Rising oceans and climate refugees
200 million people in the world will live below sea level by 2100. These people will not be able to stay in their homes.
Impact on human health
Heat waves will increase in frequency and overall air quality will decrease to a degree that it will be harmful to our respiratory system.
What we need to do:
Our activities on this planet have many negative effects on the environment. We should take countermeasures everywhere, but the most urgent is mitigation of climate change. According to the IPCCs assessment, we need to find a way in every sector of the economy to encourage companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible by 2050. To ensure that we do not have to experience the consequences mentioned above, the goal must be net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
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