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What is PayGreen doing at Google?

Steffen (Google) zusammen mit Roman (PayGreen)

On the, to me rather embarrassing photo, it looks like we just signed a million-dollar deal with Google. 📝💸 Others asked if I had just completed a triathlon and Steffen congratulated me at the finish line. 🏃🏽🏅

With PayGreen are now already over two years on a triathlon and it is still a long distance until we reach the finish line and our vision.💡PayGreen is rather still in the first section of the triathlon and in the water at the crawl. 🏊 But the first intermediate time can already be seen! 🥇 PayGreen's user numbers are extremely encouraging. 🥳

And the shore and thus a first major intermediate goal is not far away. 🏆 It was nice to know that some partners supported us on land and in boats during this section and saved us from drowning in case of emergency. 💪🏽 Many thanks to many private persons, Audit Zug AG, Innosuisse and Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW and a super experienced as well as networked Advisory Board (which we may also announce soon).

And new also Google belongs to it! 🥳🥳🥳

We proudly celebrate that Google for Start-ups has accepted us into their Start-ups for Sustainable Development program. 👨🏽‍🚀🚀 This makes PayGreen one of the selected start-ups worldwide that can access Google's internal network and present our product to interested parties and investors at Google Demo Days. Thereby we remain completely independent. Thank you very much for the opportunity and that you also believe in our team and product. ✌🏼🎉

As for the triathlon, we may switch to the racing bike in the next section. 🚴🏼‍♀️ For this, we are currently still missing the racing bike 🚲 and the mechanics team 🧰👩🏽‍🔧👨🏻‍🔧 with a value of about CHF 2 million. At the moment, we are still defining the financing strategy, whether we want to work with institutional investors 🏦👨🏽‍💼 or make a crowd investment 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏽auf the legs (or Velowädli) - or both.

With CrowdInvestment, anyone could invest at least CHF 1,000 in PayGreen, for example, and receive shares in our ecological and financially promising start-up PayGreen in return. In my last start-up we had good experiences with this. If you are interested, be sure to follow our PayGreen ompany page and stay up to date if it gets off the ground in the next few months. 🌱🌿💸

I appreciate your opinion/ideas and also any contacts related to this topic. 🙏🏼😊

P.S. Unfortunately I have not found the slide on Google.

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